Introduction to the Road

My name is... hmm... that is a tough one. It is different depending on when and where you are. To Julius Ceasar, I was a nameless senator that led him to a room off the adjoining east portico of the Theatre of Pompey. (I still own the knife) If you were to ask Ghengis Khan my name, he would say I was Yelu Chucai. To any Greek that has sailed the Aegean Sea, I am the lost Odysseus.
But you are not them, so call me... Isaac. Isaac Laquedem.
You, my friend, have found yourself upon the Road. Prepare yourself— What is the Road?
Well, the Road takes many forms. Sometimes it's a road and sometimes it isn't. When you tread upon the road, you are given a glimpse into the wonders of the Multiverse. YouWhat is the Multiverse?
I could give you a very complicated explanation about dimensions and resonance. Suffice it to say, that the Universe that we exist in is not the only one. There are many other Universes, an infinite number, in fact. Some so similar that you wouldn't even know you had stepped out of your own. Others that would be so foreign that you would question whether you were still on Earth. All make up the greatness and wonder that is the Multiverse.
Now, as you jouHave I ever seen an alien? Child, have you ever in your life listened without interrupting? Depends on what you mean by an alien. But, yes, I have. And no, I haven't. Then maybe, and finally, yes. NowStop it. No more interruptions, no more questions. You've lost the privilege.
The Road is an amazing thing, but I would wager someone as impatient as you should just experience it. Just know that the Road connects space and time in a swirling vortex of reality. So, walk down the Road and see what you find.

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