Writer’s Lounge FAQs
How do I make myself write regularly?
You sit at your computer, typewriter, or even with a pad of paper in hand and you start writing. Anything. You start writing until you start having ideas and those ideas formulate into words, those words form sentences, those sentences combine into paragraphs, and those paragraphs finally shape into a story.
How do I overcome writer’s block?
By switching things up. Writer’s block tends to be from a lack of inspiration or confidence. Start a silly story. Or draw. Switch up your focus. Eventually, your mind will relax enough to be inspired by your WIP.
How much should I write every day?
Well, that all depends. Is this a hobby? Then you don’t have to write every day. Is this what you want to do for the rest of your life? Then you should treat it like any other job. Put in the hours. At least 40 hours a week. But that isn’t all writing, that would be fun. That is also marketing, tweeting, keeping in touch with fans, etc…
What are some writing exercises that I can do to get me started each day?
What is free writing?
Freewriting is a prewriting technique in which a person writes continuously for a set period of time without regard to spelling, grammar, or topic. It produces raw, often unusable material, but helps writers overcome blocks of apathy and self-criticism. It is used mainly by prose writers and writing teachers.
Is it important to be passionate about what you write?
Personally I think you should be. Others, of course, disagree. But I believe that most people that would write without being passionate will fall flat. Their writing ends up lacking a certain verve.
Is there a fast way to make money writing?
No. Like anything else, writing takes time and effort. If you aren’t willing to put those two things in, you aren’t going to get much out. Now, there will always be exceptions to the rules, but, for the most part, you really do have to work at it.
What is better: Pantsing or Planning?
This depends on an individual. Are you an organized person that needs a plan to go forward with something? Then you should be a planner. Are you good at flying by the seat of your pants? Then you should be a pantser.
What are methods of outlining?
How do I start writing?
Quite simply put: You write. There is no method to start you writing. If you want to be a writer, you have to write. So, start writing. You can start with writing exercises or just start on that novel you’ve had inside your head. The more you do it the better you’ll get.
What is the word bracket for novels, novellas, etc?
Flash fiction: 50-1000 words
Short story: 3500-17000 words
Novella: 17000-40000 words
Novel: 40000 words and up
How many words per page?
That depends upon the font you use but, generally speaking, 250-300 words per page.
What font should I use?
Ariel, Times New Roman, and Calibri are the generally accepted fonts for a manuscript.
How many words should be in a chapter?
A general guideline for chapter length would be between 3000-5000 words. That is a general guideline. That being said, unless you are doing experimental writing, you should probably keep chapter length above 1000 words and below 5000.
Should my chapters have names?
Chapters can have names. It can be a pretty good device to keep your audience motivated and their attention captured in the story. Like anything, it works well if done correctly.
How do I create a story arc?
Conflict. Story arc are narrative sequences in which the MC changes or transforms. A hero’s journey is an example of a story arc. The conflict in a story creates a transformative arc for the main character.
How do I develop my characters?
Characters are developed through the plot and dialogue.
Should I use profanity?
If it makes sense in context of the story, then yes. If it is there just for shock value, probably not.
How much sex is too much sex?
When it stops moving the story forward. Anything that does not in some way move the story forward is extraneous and should be removed.
How do you write good sex?
Have good sex. Or watch good sex. Or read about good sex. Write what you know.
What is purple prose?
Prose that is too elaborate or ornate.
How do I name my character/book/world?
You can get a name from anything. You can make it a name that means something or just make it an ordinary name in regards to the story. If you are at a loss, here.
How do I create a new world?
World creation is a long involved process. That would take up most of this FAQ… that is why I’m going to refer you to this article.
How do I create a new language?
Decide on the sounds of the language, create the lexicon, create the grammar, design an alphabet, decide how the alphabet is modified for cursive handwriting.
Is spelling and grammar important?
Do you really need an answer to this? Considering we are a group created by an editor, I’m going to go with yes. Spelling and grammar is important. That being said, if yours sucks, don’t despair. Pay someone to edit it.
How do I write the opposite sex?
The same way you would write anybody. You start with motivations and build a character from that. Amazingly enough, the opposite sex is just as diverse as your sex. That being said, do your research. Find out the unique problem with each gender. If you are still having problems, here is an article for female and one for a male.
How do I show, not tell?
Telling vs showing has been a battle as ancient as the gods in the sky. Ancient Egyptian heiroglyphists were admonished upon stone tablets for too much telling. What does it mean? Well, it means don’t tell me what the character is feeling, show me. Example: Irene is frustrated. (This is telling. You see how there was no action, I just told you what the character is feeling?) -or- Irene hung her head low and blew out a long, drawn out sigh. (This is showing. Do you see how no mention was made of Irene being frustrated but you can tell?)
Should I edit my work as I go or write the whole rough draft and then edit after it’s complete?
This is whatever works for you. If you are the kind of person that any mistakes you make are going to eat you from the inside, then edit as you go. Personally, I think you should write as much as you can and then go back and edit afterwards. Get the ideas on the page first before you lose the vision.
Do I really need an editor before I publish?
Yes. I shouldn’t have to explain this! Your book should go to publish with as much polish as you can put on it.
How much will it cost to get my work edited?
Every editor charges different rates. Writing groups are full of editors. Our editor prices are on this Facebook Page. And before anyone asks or tells her, yes her prices are intentional. She realizes others charge more but wishes to remain affordable to the average indie author.
What is a beta/alpha reader and what do they do?
Alpha readers are usually family and friends. Use them to boost your ego in preparation for beta readers. Beta readers are usually other writers. Their contribution is to tear apart your work and tell you what is wrong with it. Plot holes, flat dialogue, 2d characters. Beta readers are there to point out all these. Don’t fall apart, this is an important step.
Traditional publishing vs self-publishing?
Should I get an agent?
What is in a cover letter?
Cover letters are your introduction to the publisher or editor of the publication. Here is post that gives you some tips on a how to create an effective cover letter.
How do I write a synopsis?
Don’t get confuse a synopsis with your back cover material. A synopsis is for an agent or publisher. It is required, full outline that does show the end of the story. They need to know what they are pitching or buying. Here is some effective techniques to writing a synopsis.
How do I write a proposal?
Here. This has to do with non-fiction and we focus on fiction on this group.
How do I write a good query letter?
I’m going the self-publishing route, what site should I use?
Should I pay to publish?
You can. Just make sure the publisher isn’t a vanity press. If you are paying someone to publish for you, then they should be able to take care of any marketing for your book as well. Paying someone to publish your book is expensive.
Can I publish for free?
Yes. If you publish for free, you will be required to self-promote your work.
What is KDP?
Kindle Direct Publishing. It is the self-publishing platform for Amazon.
How does KDP lending library and unlimited work?
You distribute your book exclusively through Amazon and Amazon puts you their Kindle Unlimited. Whenever someone with an Amazon Prime membership get’s your book for free, you get a cut from the KDP Global Fund.
Are there other places to publish my story besides self-publishing or traditional publishing?
Sure! Magazines, journals, newspapers, anthologies, ezines, etc…
Should I design my own cover or hire a cover designer?
I would recommend hiring a cover designer.
What is a vanity press?
Someone who will publish your book for an exorbitant fee just so you can say that you have a book published. There will be no marketing. They do this mainly so that people can cross writing a book off their bucket list or have something to set on the coffee table.
How many poems/short stories/flash fiction is okay for a poetry book/short stories/flash fiction?
A novel is around 50k words, I would use that as a guideline.
How important is self marketing to a self published author?
Super important!!! No one is doing it for you, so you have to go out there and hit the pavement!
How do I get reviews?
You get reviews by people reading your book and then posting reviews online. There are a number of ways you can attract reviews. Giveaways of your book is one. It will attract people to download your book and then you can ask that they review the book in the process.
Can I pay people to review my books?
Amazon guidelines strictly prohibit reviews that are done for compensation.
Do reviews help?
Reviews are a way for your readers to know what they are buying before they buy the book. So, yes, good reviews can boost your sales.
What is Goodreads?
Goodreads is a platform that people can use to keep track of books they have read, books they want to read, and provide their friends suggestions and reviews of books.
How important is self marketing to a self published author?
Very. As a self-published author, no one will do your marketing for you unless you pay them.
Is listening to music a good or bad thing?
It depends. Are you the type of person that is easily distracted by outside noises? Would listening to music hinder your creative process? I personally find music helps me write, but I’m not everybody. This is a question you have to answer yourself.
Is it important to read?
Super important. This is how we learn, besides actually writing, how to write. Everyone’s writing is an amalgam of the different books they have read. So the more you read the more your style will evolve.
What are the different genres?
What are various programs that can assist a writer?
There are too many to list. Some that I like are Grammarly, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and OpenOffice… here are an article about free programs and another about paid programs.
Do recreational drugs make a writer better or worse?
This is a dumb question and I really wish people quit asking it. The use of recreational drugs to unleash “inner” potential is a silly debate. Drugs don’t create anything. What they do is lower inhibitions. So, saying they make you more creative is absurd. What they do is allow you to tap into creativity that is already there but you are too afraid to access. Why? No idea, maybe you need to consult a therapist.
Is there a formula for writing a good story?
Yes, a good story includes character, plot, settings, story arcs, etc… It has some sort of conflict. The characters move through the plot to the ultimate resolution of the conflict.
What reference books should every writer have?
Am I too young/old to become a writer?
Ummm… no. There is no age minimum (Though you do require the ability to actually write) and no age maximum.
Is fan fiction considered writing or a form of plagiarism?
It is writing. Writing that is not your own. Any product that you produce that uses an already established setting is the property of that settings owner.
How do I develop thicker skin?
By not wrapping your self-worth around the fact that you are perfect from the onset. Work takes time and help. You don’t end up with a perfect manuscript the first time around. That is almost nearly impossible. We all make mistakes. Get over it.
Should I be worried about people stealing my work?
Once you’ve laid pen to paper, that work became your intellectual property. Congratulations, you own the copyright! Now, as long as you keep proof (things like the original file which will have the date it was created), you should be able to get any person who has stolen your work to take it down for copyright infringement. If you would like to sue someone for stealing your work, you would have to register your trademark. At least in the US. Every country has their own copyright laws, I suggest you familiarize with your country’s laws.
Where is the best place to make my author page?
Where you think most of your audience will be and where you can connect with them best. Personally, self-promotion is kind of key, I would suggest creating every author page you can.
How do I make enough money to write full-time?
Honestly? Blood, sweat, and sacrifice. And by sacrifice, I’m not talking about the ritual kind. (Though, it may help. You never know.)
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